One Question That Nearly All HR Execs Are Afraid to Ask…
We at Givers University believe that it’s important to invest in relationships by Giving first. We hope you enjoy this weeks contribution to our relationship.
And here is the question…
In one sentence, can you state what our company culture is?
Now, if you don’t believe me, try this experiment. With the next 10 employees that you see, ask them that question. You will quickly become a believer.
If all 10 employees cannot state the company workplace culture with the exact same words, then YOU DON’T HAVE A COMPANY CULTURE. You have a Toxic Workplace.
Is Your Company Culture Toxic?
A Toxic Workplace does not necessarily mean a negative culture or a workplace filled with hate and distrust. A workplace can, and most often is, TOXIC BY DEFAULT.
Simply not having everyone on the exact same page will lead to disorganization, misunderstandings, lack of engagement, lower morale, and higher employee turnover. This becomes the definition of a Toxic Workplace by Default. Is this starting to sound familiar? You are not alone; it does for most HR Execs.
And, it makes your job much harder. Each day you deal with issues that may not even exist with the proper Workplace Culture in place.
The productive “Exceptional” uniform Workplace must be Crafted, Developed, Implemented, and Constantly Reinstalled at every opportunity both big and small. This must be DONE DAILY.
You may be thinking that will take so much time; I don’t have time to do all of that. Well, actually, every day you delay, is another day of stomping out Workplace fires that would barely exist in an Exceptional Workplace. Each day you delay is another day of harder work.
So today, try the experiment. Ask the next 10 employees the aforementioned question and see what they say. If they are not able to all say the same words off the top of their heads, then you don’t have a company culture at all. It is Toxic By Default.
If you don’t have the time; Givers University can help do this for you. We can help you Transform Your Toxic Workplace into an Exceptional Givers Culture. We know how to do it and we can help you implement it as well.
Please feel free to email us and we will help you. There is no cost or obligation to find out what Givers University can do to make your job much easier while making you the HERO of your company at the same time.
Email us at: GUsupport@GiversUniversity.com and in the body of the email simply state: Help Us Transform Our Workplace Into An Exceptional Givers Culture. We’ll do the rest for you.