Which One Wins? Sincerity vs. Truth?
“DISCERN” Episode #18: “Which One Wins? Sincerity vs. Truth”
Hello GIVERS — Here is your weekly relationship contribution from GIVERS University.
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Our Relationship Tools will help you achieve the Predictive, Massive, and Exceptional Happiness, Freedom, and Greatness of a GIVER. Here Is Another Relationship Tool To Add To Your Relationship Toolbox.
Which One Wins? Sincerity vs. Truth
So which one is more important to you? Is Sincerity more important to you or is Truth more important to you? First, let’s define Sincerity: Sincerity is the quality of being free from pretense, deceit, or hypocrisy. Now, let’s define Truth: Truth is the property of being in accord with fact or reality.
Now, here is where it gets a bit tricky. Is it possible for someone to be sincere and still be untruthful? The answer is absolutely YES! It is indeed possible to be sincerely WRONG! Yes, they are sincere, yet what they are saying is simply not true.
So time for you to Discern. When you feel the sincerity, yet you want to see if the information is truthful, ask these important questions:
- How do you know that? If they answer you with, “I heard it from so and so source.” Then ask the follow-up question …
- How do they know that?
Now, you are digging deeper for the truth. These questions will help you begin to filter through the untruths to get to the truths. So, be around GIVERS who strive to be Sincerely Truthful.
By: E.A. Csolkovits, Founder & Patriarch of GIVERS University
Listen to this week’s featured podcast
Wealth, Health & Wisdom with GIVERS University
The Event Has Begun … You Can Still Get In & Enjoy Some Great Content. Get Your FREE Ticket To “Badass Launch Tactics Symposium for Health and Wellness Coaches and Practitioners” on September 14 – 18, 2021: The 7 Biggest Mistakes and 7 Must Do’s For Brand New Coaches.
BadassPreneurs Business School
Introducing A Brand New Course: The “GIVERS Primer” Course
Where you’ll learn …
- Why people (including you) don’t earn a lot of money.
- Why your income is less than it should be right now.
- The key phrases that you must add into your daily talk and life right now.
- About The Law of Polarity and how it can work for you … or against you.
- How to achieve your desires in life and how to turn them into manifested reality.
- How to build your own GIVERS Community around you.
- How to be exceptional in all things that you do.
- And so much more …
Plus 3 Bonus Downloads:
- Downloadable Audio Recording: “Introduction to The Law of Compensation” that you can share with others to help you build your GIVER Community — this is great conversation starter to share with others.
- Downloadable Template: How to Build Your GIVER Community — a step-by-step guide.
- Downloadable “Your Labor of Love — this will change your life forever.
Are You Ready To Live Your Life Of Predictive, Massive, & Exceptional Happiness, Freedom, and Greatness?
RISE UP! Enroll Now In The GIVERS Primer Course!
From all of us at GIVERS University, have your best day ever!
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