When & How Often Should You Convene?
When & How Often Should You Convene? GIVERS Junto Step 4: The Letter “C” – Episode #14
Your “GIVERS Toolbox” eNewsletter
Hello GIVERS — Here is this week’s contribution to add to your Relationship Toolbox.
Each week, we will provide you with great Relationship Tools for your GIVERS Toolbox. Quick, Short, Non-Fluff, Useable Content for your Relationship Upskilling. Our Relationship Tools will help you achieve the Predictive, Massive, & Exceptional Happiness, Freedom, & Greatness of a GIVER.
When & How Often Should You Convene? – Step 4: The Letter “C”
The 7 Steps in forming your GIVERS Junto spell the word D.I.S.C.E.R.N.
Remember that a GIVERS Junto, by definition, is a group that meets together for a common interest or purpose.
Meeting together at regular intervals is critical to the ongoing productivity and continuity of your GIVERS Junto.
Step 4 is to determine how often to convene with your GIVERS Junto. You basically should explore these 5 options:
- Weekly
- Bi-Weekly
- Monthly
- Quarterly
- Date or Day Specific – Example: The 15th of each month or the or the 2nd Friday of each month.
When you have reached a decision with the GIVERS in your GIVERS Junto, you must be consistent about the day and time when you meet together.
Date & Time
Convene each GIVERS Junto meeting on a consistent day or date. Don’t switch back and forth from weekly to monthly then to bi-weekly. Consistency is extremely important.
Also, you should schedule every meeting at the same time, so each GIVER is able to plan for the meeting. Going forward, this will help them with their calendar planning.
Don’t Let Your Meetings Drag On
Set a begin and end time and adhere to your preset times. This shows that you respect each GIVERS time and schedule.
Consistent Convening is critical to the ongoing Spirit of Harmony of your GIVERS Junto.
This completes Step 4 and the letter C.
In the upcoming weeks, you will learn how to form your own GIVERS Junto Chapter or how to become a member of a GIVERS Junto that is already formed.
We will show you exactly how to surround yourself with the kinds of GIVERS you have always wanted around you.
By: E.A. Csolkovits, Founder & Patriarch of GIVERS University
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Givers University | Your home for Wisdom, Wealth, and Wellness
Print it off and use it for your GIVERS Self-Assessment and for your own Discernment of those you want (or don’t want) to have around you.
Listen to this week’s featured podcast
The Audacious Living Podcast – Episode #95: “The GIVER In You” featuring EA Csokolvits
Enroll Today in the “GIVERS Primer” Course
The “GIVERS Primer” Course: ONLY $37
Where you will learn …
- Why people (including you) don’t earn a lot of money.
- Why your income is less than it should be right now.
- The key phrases that you must add into your daily talk and life right now.
- About The Law of Polarity and how it can work for you … or against you.
- How to achieve your desires in life and how to turn them into manifested reality.
- How to build your own GIVERS Community around you.
- How to be exceptional in all things that you do.
- And so much more …
Plus 3 Bonus Downloads:
- Downloadable Audio Recording: “Introduction to The Law of Compensation” that you can share with others to help you build your GIVER Community — this is great conversation starter to share with others.
- Downloadable Template: How to Build Your GIVER Community — a step-by-step guide.
- Downloadable “Your Labor of Love — this will change your life forever.
Best Gift EVER! Only $37
NOTE: As a gift, enroll yourself in this course. Then, email us the gift recipient’s name and email address and we will enroll them in place of you so the gift will go to them.
Are You Ready to Live Your Life of Predictive, Massive, & Exceptional Happiness, Freedom, and Greatness?
RISE UP! Enroll Now! In The GIVERS Primer Course!
From all of us at GIVERS University, have your BEST DAY ever!
Your Givers University Family
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