If You Don’t Have What You Want …
“DISCERN” Episode #13. “3 Questions That Make You Irresistible”
Hello GIVERS — Here is your weekly relationship contribution from GIVERS University.
If you don’t have what you want, then you’re simply not helping enough people get what they want!!!
This statement may sound like an over simplification, but it really isn’t. Look at where you are and look at what you have. This is the gauge of how much you have helped others get what they want. Did you know that if you help enough people get what they want, you become irresistible to them? The formula for being IRRESISBILE contains 1 part of what you do and 3 parts of what they want.
Show me how much you care … treat me like I’m important. Isn’t that what we all want? Sure it is, and I can prove it to you. If I took a group photo of several people, including you, who would be the first person you would look for in the photo? You! I always picture everyone wearing a big sign on the front of them that says, “MAKE ME FEEL IMPORTANT” because most people don’t make you feel important, do they? Most people today are wrapped in a small package that’s wound tighter than ever before.
The Law of Compensation succinctly says that when we’re willing to invest in those relationships, we benefit. Unfortunately, most people go through life just like the farmer who plants a seed in the ground and then goes back the next day and yells, “Grow!” Well guess what? It isn’t going to happen. The farmer could could yell and scream at the field all day long … yell … scream … throw a tantrum … but it isn’t going to grow. It takes time, so be willing to invest the time.
If you value relationships in the future — personal, business, family, — it’s going to take time. You need to invest the time. Remember, GIVERS gain and Takers lose.
The GIVERS Mindset™ www.GIVERSmindset.com [86] The GIVE To Be Great™ Series GIVEToBeGreat.com
GIVERS Have IRRESISTIBLE Personal and Business Relationships
By developing The GIVERS Mindset™ , you develop great relationships. The parents that don’t have a good relationship with their children don’t have it because they’re not putting in the time. They’re not investing in the relationship, they’re not GIVING.
Time To DISCERN: Do you ask these 3 questions on a regular basis? These 3 critical questions will open doors to you so you can learn what they want.
- What’s important for you?
- How can I help you get what you want?
- What is the one thing that you wish you could get help with?
If you want to have a great relationship, then compel them to have a relationship with you. First, know what they want. It can have a profound impact.
By: E.A. Csolkovits, Founder & Patriarch of GIVERS University
Introducing A Brand New Course: The “GIVERS Primer” Course
Where you’ll learn …
- Why people (including you) don’t earn a lot of money.
- Why your income is less than it should be right now.
- The key phrases that you must add into your daily talk and life right now.
- About The Law of Polarity and how it can work for you … or against you.
- How to achieve your desires in life and how to turn them into manifested reality.
- How to build your own GIVERS Community around you.
- How to be exceptional in all things that you do.
- And so much more …
Plus 3 Bonus Downloads:
- Downloadable Audio Recording: “Introduction to The Law of Compensation” that you can share with others to help you build your GIVER Community — this is great conversation starter to share with others.
- Downloadable Template: How to Build Your GIVER Community — a step-by-step guide.
- Downloadable “Your Labor of Love — this will change your life forever.
Are You Ready To Live Your Life Of Predictive, Massive, & Exceptional Happiness, Freedom, and Greatness?
RISE UP! Enroll Now In The GIVERS Primer Course!
From all of us at GIVERS University, have your best day ever!
Your Givers University Family
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