Can You Control 18,250,000 of These Each Year?
Click on the link below to see our latest 2-minute episode of “DISCERN.”
“DISCERN” Episode #11. “You Do This 35x Per Minute”
Hello GIVERS — Here is your weekly relationship contribution from GIVERS University.
Excerpt from The GIVERS Mindset course.
Autosuggestion Self-Talk
The more intense the desire, the faster we attract the physical equivalent or counterpart to us, thereby fulfilling our Vow. The more intense the desire — the faster.
One of the best ways to build that intensity of desire is through something called autosuggestion self-talk. Autosuggestion self-talk is a suggestion from yourself to yourself, saying it over and over again. Again, autosuggestion self-talk is a suggestion from yourself to yourself. It’s interesting to note that you can convince yourself of just about anything, or at least your own personal truth.
In the most negative, destructive, and Taker way, Hitler convinced many, through his propaganda and other mechanisms, that the German race was destined to rule the world. He produced so much propaganda over and over again that, in fact, through autosuggestion self-talk, the German people were convinced that it was true. If you say it so many times, it actually seems like the truth.
Obviously, this is an extremely negative example; but in its positive sense, it works just as well. In fact, it works even better. Begin to control and use your autosuggestion self-talk conversations to your advantage.
35 Per Minute
Experts have estimated that we have up to 35 separate self-talk conversations each minute. When we multiply 35 self-talk conversations per minute by 24 hours per day, we get over 50,000 autosuggestion self-talk conversations per day, that’s 18,250,000 autosuggestion self-talk conversations each year.
How valuable would it be to you if you were able to control these 18,250,000 self-talk conversations each year? How much Predictive, Massive, and Exceptional Happiness, Freedom, and Greatness could you have in your life through your own deliberate control of this staggering number of autosuggestion self-talk conversations that you are already having each minute, day, and year?
Even though some of our self-talk conversations are audible when we are alone, most of them are quietly taking place EACH MINUTE in our minds. Self-talk conversations can be our our good friend or our evil enemy. They can help us when “we impact them” with deliberation and discernment. When we exercise our Freedom to think our own thoughts, we maintain positive control over our own lives.
Self-talk conversations can work against us when we let them run randomly in our minds. They can be even worse if they are the Result of what others have planted in our minds. Self-talk is done by everyone, everyday. If you don’t control your thoughts, your thoughts will control you.
Autosuggestion Self-Talk is Self-Education
As our mind gets programmed through our self-talk conversations, you are better off acknowledging that you use self-talk and then using it to your advantage rather than to ignore your self-talk and letting it harm you. As a serious GIVE To Be Great student, you can now understand why it is so important to surround yourself with GIVERS.
By being a member of the GIVER Communities of Today, you will be surrounded by those who will Inspire you. Those with The GIVERS Mindset will contribute positively to your autosuggestion self-talk. Their positive, affirming self-talk will blend with your positive, affirming self-talk.
The Result of this blending will create a “GIVER mastermind,” and both of you will be stronger and better off. Both of you will help each other live the Exceptional GIVERS Lifestyle. GIVERS self-talk builds up themselves and others. Fencers self-talk may build up or tear down. Takers self-talk tears down themselves and others, including self-talk of a self-sabotage nature that carries with it the seed of their own destruction.
Do The Thing, Get The Thing
We learn by either “impact” or “repetition.” Impact occurs through impactful situations such as touching a hot stove. By contrast, self-talk is repetitious learning as we condition our mind to think a certain way through our repetitious self-talk.
Control Your Self-Talk, Or It Will Control You. You Have The Freedom To Choose Your Own Thoughts, Choose Wisely.
By: E.A. Csolkovits, Founder & Patriarch of GIVERS University
If you like our latest “DISCERN” episode, you’ll love our YouTube channel containing other great interviews, trainings, and upskilling videos all made just for you. Click on the link below to visit the GIVERS University YouTube channel.
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Did You Know That Discernment Is a Skill That Most People Lack?
What value do you place on your upskilling?
Is it worth $27 to find out how you can decrease your stress-level and increase your personal productivity? If so, then it’s time to enroll in the GU mini-course and really do something great for yourself.
So ask yourself …
- Do I really want to stop stomping out fires all day long?
- Am I really serious about my personal growth?
- Do I want to become more discerning so that I can function heads above most of my competitors?
If so, let’s go. It’s time for you to advance and upskill. Give it a go, just click on the link below.
Are you ready for “Your Increased Income & Increased Happiness” journey to begin?
From all of us at GIVERS University, have your best day ever!
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