GIVERS University is your home for the three W’s of Wisdom, Wealth & Wellness.
We at GIVERS University have found that business owners and hiring professionals, who understand how valuable their employees are, also understand the far-reaching impact that employees can have internally with co-workers, and externally with customers, socially, and the overall community. In fact, this impact has been known to make or break companies, social contacts, and families.
Unfortunately, our research shows that most companies fall short when it comes to creating a positive employee experience and developing employee interpersonal relationship skills. In fact, even when companies have provided training to employees, only 37% of those employees claim to have a clear understanding of what their company is trying to achieve and why.
The 2017 Global Human Capital Trends report shows the factors that contribute to a positive employee experience.
Your culture directly relates to productivity and revenue. It is a proven and verifiable fact that employees who are engaged, can and most often will, outperform those who are not engaged by as much as 200%. The GIVERS engaged culture can have a huge positive impact and manifest itself with a far-reaching ripple effect through each employee, their social contacts, and their families.
At GIVERS University, we specialize in a systemic approach to GIVER relationship building. We will teach your employees how to build a better relationship with themselves, and with their customers, co-workers, and managers by adopting an overall GIVERS Culture while rejecting a Toxic Takers Culture in the workplace.