The Association for Training and Development (ATD) collected training information from over 2,500 firms and found that companies that offer comprehensive training (a) have a 218% higher income per employee than those with less comprehensive training, (b) enjoy a 24% higher profit margin than those who spend less on training, and (c) generate a 6% higher shareholder return if the training expenditure per employee increases by $680
- 401(k) Plan Training
- Commuter Transportation Benefits Plan
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule Training
- Our Employee Wellness Program
- Our Health Savings Account (HSA) Plan
- Our Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Plan
- Social Security & Medicare
- Workers’ Compensation Training
- Job Descriptions Training
- Fair Labor Standards Act Training: Overview, Child Labor, and Equal Pay
- Fair Labor Standards Act Training: Exempt Employees
- Fair Labor Standards Act Training: Non-Exempt Employees
- Your Hidden Paycheck
- The Business Case for Diversity
- Religion in the Workplace
- ADA Training for Supervisors
- Conflict Resolution Training
- Confronting Workplace Bullying
- Disciplinary Actions: Issues and Documentation
- Documenting Employee Actions
- Employee Recognition
- Employment-at-Will Training
- Employee Use of Social Media
- English-Only Rules in the Workplace
- Federal Discrimination Laws
- Harassment (Other Than Sexual Harassment)
- Performance Appraisal Training
- Performance Management
- Responding to Union Organizing
- Retaliation
- Setting Goals and Objectives Training
- Sexual Harassment Training for Employees
- Sexual Harassment Training for Supervisors
- Termination Decisions and Meetings
- Emotional Intelligence – Developing Strong People Skills
- Employee Engagement – Enhancing Your Corporate Culture
- Ethics in the Workplace – Core Values and Guiding Principles
- Everything DiSC Workplace Profile – What’s Your (Personality) Type?
- Give to be Great – Roadmap to Creating Better Relationships
- Inside the Black Box – From Built to Last to Good to Great
- Management & Supervisory Training
- Teambuilding
- Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Training
- Interplay of ADA, FMLA and Workers’ Compensation Training
- Time-Off from Work Programs
- Core Competencies for Supervisors
- Delegating Authority
- Making Your Meetings Productive
- Our Mentoring Program
- Reductions in Force
- Time Management
- Identity Theft in the Workplace
- Privacy Issues in the Workplace
- Substance Abuse in the Workplace
- Workplace Violence Training for Supervisors
- Basics of Effective Interviews
- Contingent Workers Training: Parts 1, 2 and 3
- Contingent Workers Training: Part 4
- Contingent Workers Training: Parts 5 and 6
- Form I-9 Purpose and Completion
- Interview Training
- New Hire Orientation
- Succession Planning
- Workforce Planning
- Alternative Work Schedules
- Making Telecommuting Work Training for Supervisors
- Our Educational Assistance Plan
- Our Telecommuting Plan